Project Pink

// Employment Brand Campaign

Cox Enterprises has a clear mission when it comes to owning and activating its outanding employment brand; a brand that earnestly prioritizes and strongly values workplace inclusivity and diversity. dim•west helped to translate Cox’s employment brand strategy and goals into a distinct and captivating story that celebrates the diversity of its workforce across the enterprise and into the automotive industry, while also supporting breast cancer awareness.


‘Toughness’ and ‘Grit’ are not gender-specific.

Meet Icie Hinton, a fleet maintenance technician who is changing the hearts and minds of women and men all across the US industrial sector and challenging assumptions of what it take to be successful in the trades and what women are capable of achieving. dim•west listened, learned and was enlightened by Icie’s story both inside and outside (she is on the board of directors for a local non-profit) of the Indianapolis-based trailer shop where she works for Cox Automotive.

To communicate with and rally the masses about the opportunities for women to succeed on the front lines of the industrial sector, while addressing the perennial technician talent shortage, dim•west partnered with Icie to ideate on a creative solution. Icie is a supremely unique, multitalented, hyper-intelligent and has strong values and clear vision on inclusivity in the workplace and the community at large. Her story and ideas served to inspire what became known as ‘Project Pink’.

dim•west worked closely with Icie, Cox Automotive corporate and uniform vendor Cintas to create custom high visibility pink uniforms for Icie and several other female technicians at Cox Automotive.

And the pink movement started.



Making Waves in the Press

Icie and her Project Pink story were featured in publications across the industry.

Click or tap the links below to read more:



Employment Brand Campaign Video

In partnership with Discovery Education and Cox Enterprises Corporate Social Responsibility team, dim•west created and delivered a spotlight video featuring Icie, her work as a technician for Cox Automotive, and her influence on the industry to a new generation of young women.

Take a look behind the scenes:


Maximized effort. Maximized results.

Project Pink content cascaded across social channels to bring additional awareness and engagement.



Ready to take your brand campaign to the next level? 📈

Contact dim•west today to get started ⬇️