Book Art + Design

// Art + Creative Direction


David Evans is the author of heartfelt and imaginative children's books, including Where's the Moon? and Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah, both inspired by the boundless curiosity and creativity of his daughters. He also collaborated with his six-year-old daughter on her debut book, Little Red Kitty Hood. As the Founder and President of Dim West LLC, David combines his artistic talent and storytelling skills to create meaningful stories that celebrate family, imagination, and the wonder of childhood.


“Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah”

Tilda is a toddler who is excited for every family activity that comes her way. Ready for whatever happens next, her colorful imagination guides her into a rich and unique world.

How the book came about from the Founder and President of dim•west

After writing “Where’s the Moon?” for my oldest daughter, Ramona, I thought it might be the only book I would write. But what good father wouldn’t show the that kind of love and dedication to both of his daughters?

So I did it and my second children’s book, inspired by and about my younger daughter, Tilda is here. 

I started working on it more for 2 years. I was struggling for months to figure out how to portray Tilda’s imagination. Then Tilda and I got COVID19 in late December 2021. At the time she was four years old. Her symptoms were moderate, mine were pretty bad, but thankfully we didn’t have to quarantine alone. We had each other. 

Between my fatigue naps and half asleep playtime sessions (mostly tossing toys around to Tilda's delight), I worked on illustrating her story, but I still struggled to creatively solve one problem: how should her wild and beautiful imagination translate visually into the pages of this book?

One day in particular, she climbed onto my lap and looked at my computer screen as I was illustrating. Then she saw an illustration of herself as a cartoon. Next she offered up a creative note, saying, “Dad, can you make my hair purple?”.

I responded, “of course! What else do you want to see?!”

Her reply: “more rainbows.”

Creative problem solved: purple hair and rainbows, as a visual maneuver, would give distinction to her imagination. And there it was. I had hit a wall asking myself what Tilda's imagination should look like. But all I needed was for her to tell me all along.



“Where’s the Moon?”

Join Ramona as she wonders about the moon in this story of curiosity, adventure, perspective, friendship and family.

How the book came about from the Founder and President of dim•west

Not unlike many kids, when my eldest daughter was around 2 years old she was curious about everything that she could point her finger at, or touch. "What's that?.. What's that?.. What's that??" she'd ask in a tiny yet determined voice. As a parent, it was exhausting to keep up with her growing mind's appetite for building vocabulary. But it also helped me to appreciate for the first time, likely since I was her age, all of these things that surrounded us and have names and a purpose in the universe.

Then one day, on an evening walk she saw it-- round, glowing and hanging in the sky, just out of reach. "Daddy! What's THAT!?".

Looking for the moon quickly became our evening ritual. Many nights, grasping at the sky she would proclaim, "I wanna hold the moon!". So I would toss her into the air to help her get a little closer to reaching it. And over the course of about 2 years making this book --conceptualizing, building story arc, sketching, inking, photographing textures (like hair and skin), copy editing, hand writing text and self-publishing; with art direction support from my wife (who is a professional art teacher) and story editing support from my daughter ("what's THAT?!")-- I hope others enjoy looking at and holding our piece of the moon.